Thursday, 26 September 2013

Mosaic Project!

For my mosaic project, there were quite a few ideas on what to make, what materials to use, and how to use them and wear to place them to make them look neat etc.... For my first idea  I wanna take a stepping stone and make a pattern of colors over top of it using only colored beads. It'll look something like this:
This is for sure what I would like to try first! Its just so colorful and unique and messy and all over the place! all I need is some colored beads of these colors and i'm positive i can make this work! :)

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


1. What is a mosaic?
- A mosaic is A picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.

2. When were mosaics used in history?
-The history of mosaic goes back some 4,000 years or more, with the use of terracotta cones pushed point-first into a background to give decoration. By the eighth century BC, there were pebble pavements, using different coloured stones to create patterns, although these tended to be unstructured decoration. It was the Greeks, in the four centuries BC, who raised the pebble technique to an art form, with precise geometric patterns and detailed scenes of people and animals.

3. How were mosaics used?
-  Many of the mosaics were floors. The ancient Romans had a heating system under their floors and perhaps the tiles were more functional than any other covering. These early mosaics can also be found around England, where the Romans also lived, under farmhouse floors. There is a museum in Cirenchester, in England, that has many of them. The purpose of a mosaic is that it is a technique of decoration art that was done in ancient Rome and an aspect of interior decoration of of cultural and also spiritual significance as in a cathedral.

4. What kinds of art were created? 
- Abstract, Sketch, Scratch, Tile, Oil Paintings,  there is ALOT of art.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Dot Day

For dot day we took a circle, planet shaped thingy :$ lol, and we put in ANY design we wanted to, we would color it if we wanted to and than use the Colar app thingy on your iPhone and see it come to life! :3 I did not color mine because I personally think that it looked better with just dark black lines! :3

It would not let me upload the picture myself, for some weird reason so here is the link to my Dot Day project and how i made mine look! :) I am very happy withe the end results :3

Hope you guys like my design!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Second Post!

Second Post!: 
By: Sara Rose Thomson

1. What Is A Sketchbook? What Is A Journal?

- A Sketchbook is what you would use to jot down your ideas of what you would LIKE to do for a project, how your going to lay it all down, put it together, what order you would like it all to be in and so on.... Your rough drafting in a Sketchbook until your ready to make the Final of what you chose to do.
- Well a journal can be anything you want it to be. A journal can be used to write your favorite personal Poems in, It can be used to Quote your favorite artists that make you in a certain mood!, It can be used to write songs, and it can be used to write down your inner most thoughts! for me... my "Journal" is all of those things.... mine is a mess! One page could be What I did today, how I felt about it, What I could have done to make it better  and another page could be some of my favorite quotes, another page could be interesting quotes or sayings I heard that day and wanted to remember and study about later. and another page could all of a sudden be like one long poem or a jumbled up page of messy thoughts. A Journal can be anything you set your mind to because that is your personal PRIVATE book of anything that describes your character and who you are! You and you ONLY have all control over that book and what goes inside of it!

2. What kinds of materials are allowed in a sketchbook?

- The kinds of materials that are allowed in a sketchbook is kind of anything really, a Sketchbook is your Rough Draft of how you want everything to look and just go in the order that you would like it to. Your planning out everything that you want to put in there, What should go where, anything really. So there is very few limitations as to what materials can go in your Sketchbook.

New School Year! First Post

First Post:
1. What do you think of Art? Are you excited about this class or does it make you freak out a bit? Tell me about it.
- I think art is really the only way I can express myself and be able to show who I am as a person, There really is no other way I can truly be myself without getting judged extremely harshly on it, Art is the best way I can be myself and express how I feel and what I truly like about it in my own way!:)

- The feeling about this class is Mutual both ways really, I like art but I don't... If that makes sense because the part about Art I like is when your given an assignment and just told to go with it and make it your own and stuff, but if were given an assignment and told exactly what to do and how to make it look i can NOT do that because i'm not given a chance to show people what I can do, im being told to do something because they wanna see what they wanna see, not what other people can see.

2. "What Is Art?"   
Find the best definition you can (Provide The Source) is there anything you would add to the definition?

- What Is Art.... Art to everyone is different, so I don’t think its possible to actually define the term. Most times, it is considered a visual representation of the creator’s mind and soul. Some consider photography art, and some don’t. Dance is art, pictures are art, painting singing, acting, you name it. It is all based on perspective, on how you look at things. Whatever the person puts his/her mind and soul into is art. So I don’t think there is an actual definition of the word art. We can’t explain art…..its just there….you get what I mean?  
art to me, is expressing yourself beyond words and projecting your thoughts or emotions into a form of uniqueness. rather it be on paper,or expressed in music,poems, or pyhsical movement of the body.

3.i) What is your favorite thing about school? Why is it your favorite?
- My favorite thing about school has got to be Art Class, not just because I can mostly sit around for an hour and 15 minutes and just draw... But because it's the ONE CLASS where I get to express my own opinion, I get to put on paper what is inside my head and get a good reaction from other people out of it... I can do what I wanna do with that piece of paper, I can make it mine, I can make it look exactly how I want it to look and it doesnt matter because it's how I FEEL about that one piece of paper, nobody else! Just me and my thoughts! :)

ii) What is your least favorite thing about school?

- My least favorite thing about school is getting up in front of people and presenting or shouting out an answer  I've always been kind of a quiet person... Always keeping to myself and not liking to talk or answer many things in front of people because I've always been scared on what their Perspective on me will be afterwards. Its a scary thought to have going through your head 24/7.

iii) What kinds of activities do you hate doing in school?

- Like I said before... Public Speaking &/Or Teamwork has got to be my GREATEST fear in school because...
Public Speaking/Presenting... Its TERRIFYING to get up in front of that class of what? 24? 17? 20? or even a whole school of people, getting up in front of them and speaking on what you had to do your work/research on, what answers you came up with.. how you got it.... What you would like to do to change it... it's a HORRIBLE thought and scary to do. 

Teamwork... It is also quite scary for me to do because in Teamwork everybody ALWAYS wants to do their own thing, add their own thoughts and just do something that's theirs, not many people actually like to work with others, ESPECIALLY if they hardly know that person because you don't wanna work with someone you hardly ever talk to, let alone share your thoughts and feelings on what you wanna do on the project with them. I've never been one who "Works Well With Others" and I doubt I will be for a long time after this.

5. Are there any techniques you'd like to learn or develop?

- I would like to learn more about Abstract art and stuff like that cause Abstract Art has always been my most FAVORITE thing about art because its so crazy, and different and unexpected and just AMAZING all on it's own! with Abstract art you can basically take a BUNCH of ideas Non-Related to each other and just put them all meshed together one a single piece of paper or two! Why? because that's the point! it's not supposed to look like one big picture Related to each other, it's supposed to be Unique & Different & Fun and just Yourself and that's what I love most about it and that is the one Technique I would love to learn more about and work on the most.

GREAT piece of Abstract Art: