Thursday, 21 May 2015

Today's Society & how it affects our outlook on Ourselves and Others! (Media Arts Assignment PLEASE READ!)

Today in class, we received an assignment that kind of caught my attention A Lot more than other ones have. At first I didn't know why but then I thought about it and I realized...
OMG I have been through this and witnessed it like ALL of my life I know EXACTLY how to do this! So this may be kind of long and I apologize but I had to put all of my thoughts into this
Here it is:
Question- How has today's society changed you or your outlook on yourself/others?

Remember this photo!!!------>

Well, almost my ENTIRE life, I have been a part of people changing my outlook on myself and others, and I have also witnessed people doing it to other people as well. I have been a victim of people somehow making me change my outlook on myself for YEARS, I can`t remember a time when someone didn't make me feel like that... 
Today`s society has really DRASTICALLY changed on everybody and anything that it can.
Today`s society is something that everybody follows, the rules that society has laid on us is something we've always known, it`s something that we have always grown up with, We haven`t had technology all of our lives, the kind of technology that we have now is only so new to us, it is actually only a couple years old. But our generation has made it a part of our existence so fast and so drastically.
We grew up thinking that if we don`t dress a certain way than we aren't good enough for the people around us, same with the way that we look, talk, act, financial status, living standards etc... It`s all we really know, 

Today so many people want to be cool, popular, famous etc... And we would do whatever it takes to have something like that, just as long as it gets us noticed and bumps us up to the top where we have always dreamed of being! it`s our life goal, it`s our life in general. To finally get away from the bottom of the ladder and being able to climb higher and higher and finally make it to the top with everybody else just so that you can say that you made it! just so that you can finally have that little piece of self worth that you have always wanted, you always wanted to make it and once you finally give up to society`s rules and follow them, you feel like you can do anything.

But that`s not always the case.... Sometimes, no matter how hard you try and no matter how many rules you accomplish sometimes you can just never make it.
It`s like, you can be doing EVERYTHING that they want exactly the way that they wanted you to do it and not make any mistakes, but as soon as they find out that ONE single flaw of yours and they don`t like it, You will never make it to the top of that ladder. It's almost like as people, we crave the attention and the acceptance from our people, we want to feel that sense of cool and acceptance, we wan't to know that we have those people by our side no matter what because you made it up that ladder.
But we don't always need that ladder to be happy.

Some society`s are different then ours... Like Gender distinction for instance like in some countries, if your a girl your AUTOMATICALLY not allowed to go to school, the boys get to have their education and all your allowed to do is stay at home, be a good house wife and do the cleaning, sometimes fighting against things like that could even get you killed because that is the society that they have always known, it`s what they were taught.

In other society`s, kind of like ours, you can go to school, you can do ANYTHING that you want, with some sexual criticism along the way but nothing ever too bad. But it`s always got its consequences down the road, like, you can do what you want, get your education and find that dream job that you`ve always wanted to do, but it`s almost like, they wan`t you to have brains but they want those LOOKS in there too, I know not all people are like that but i`m sure as hell a lot of them are, like, `Yeah of course you can work for us, but could you do something about your appearance a little more? we wanna be more presentable to the public" it's like yeah your brains are great but they want you to look like barbie in the meantime so it's better for business. 

I know that as most of you reading this may think "oh, what does she know about society and if it actually acts this way? shes only 17."
Yes, I may be young but I have had such an experience with what people expect from you that it could make your head spin!
For example...
When I moved away from my hometown I was a little young, sweet, innocent girl that always ran with the same people, I was actually kind of a part of the cool people last time I lived here if you think about it, that's because I was so much like them, But then i moved away for about 6/7 years and I changed DRASTICALLY while I was gone and once I moved back the people I used to be friends with noticed it and they didn't seem to take much of a liking to it at all, that' because while I was away I because Independent I learned how to do things for myself, I became my own person and my old friends didn't exactly like or accept me for the new person that I became.
Now, i'll never know if it was out of jealousy or if they just thought I wasn't up to their social standards anymore. It's almost like they stayed exactly the same and they expected me to be like that too when I came back but I wasn't and they weren't too happy about that. But I changed for the better of myself, I changed in a way I thought would make me more successful and happy and it did!! :) 
People may not like it but I do and that's really all that happens, and that is exactly what I'm talking about for this assignment, once everybody didn't approve of my changes  I did get bullied a lot, I got pushed against lockers, I got yelled names at me, some people told me I was disgusting and that I didn't deserve to be here and to end my life.  and it seemed like it would get worse and I thought that things would never get better. 
But, after a couple of years and some counselling, I took up art I drew ALL THE TIME, I did me for a while and it made things so much better for me, I found what I needed to do and I found what made me happy! I ignored other people for so long and eventually they all stopped. I still get the occasional call downs all the time but it's nothing close to what I got before so it doesn't really bug me. 

Society's problems also seem to be largely aimed around Social Media Sites now a days as well, that is now where most people chose to judge people and put them down, it's what people know now, it's all they've ever done, not a lot of people these days will go up to a person and tell them how they feel anymore, it always has to be done with the click of a button and a keyboard now and it is so sad to see. And I know I am doing it right now but this is for class so that I can get this out there.. It also seems as if, if people have a problem with Social Media sites and how they affect the way that they are, they choose to express their hate for Media, on a media site! confusing, I know but it's how it works these days.

It's almost like, If people have a problem with something or if something extreme happened, they don't pick up their phone and call anyone, they don't meet one of their good friends so that they can talk about it. No, their self hate turns into a Status or a 5 second Snapchat video. Now a days if something happens people will run to Social Media sites within the blink of an eye like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, Instagram... ANYTHING that they can use on their phones that they can vent to anyone who can read it on their devices, automatically is the first choice. I know from experience. 

Society expects so much out of you these days it seems like so much to handle, it's like, your at a buffet, you go for what you wanted, even if it makes your plate bigger then everybody else's and then once people see it, they disapprove and they keep picking and picking and picking at your plate until your finally down to the amount that they think you should be at, even if it isn't what you wanted but that's just how they work. There's not always much you can do to change it but you can sure as hell try! 
If there is something that you would really like to do and you think that people wouldn't approve and you feel like if you do what you want to do it means your risking a lot of good people and social standards, just say "SCREW IT" do YOUR THING and you don't always have to be a follower! you can be your own person and do what YOU know will make you successful and be the person you have always wanted to be, be independent, be loud, be cheerful, just be YOU and be HAPPY! 

I know from experience :)
So basically what  I am trying to say is that Society HAS had a huge impact on how we outlok ourselves and what we think of ourselves and others and It has gotten so crazy and overboard for the past few years.
I say forget about trying to live up to other peoples standards if it just tears you apart! be your OWN person and do you, do what YOU wan't to do regardless of what other people think.
Find your own Ladder of success to climb and make it to the very top all on your own.


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